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I am a financial services industry professional, currently living with my wife and two young children in the borough of Manhattan in New York City. I am a naturalized citizen of the USA but was born and raised in Seoul, Korea [서울特別市, 大韓民國]. My parents and my sister (and her family) continue to reside in Korea. In 1983, I left home and came to Connecticut to attend a boarding school. After my undergraduate and graduate studies in economics, I moved to New York City in 1993. Professionally, I have been working as an equity research analyst. You can find more details about my career on LinkedIn.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Music by
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Libretto [in German] by Christian Friedrich Henrici (1700-1764)

Matthäuspassion is my favorite sacred music. Such an inspiring work! This clip shows the opening chorus, Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir Klagen, which begins the first part of the work referring to events and words found in Matthew 26:1-13.